You can now edit your DualSense Edge profiles on PC

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Sony has just announced a new PlayStation Accessories app for PC players who want more control over their DualSense Edge wireless controller. If you’re unfamiliar with the DualSense Edge, it’s Sony’s version of a pro PS5 controller that includes some notable upgrades. Such as back paddle buttons for remapping controls, lockable triggers, and joystick modules you can pop out and replace if one or both go bad.

It also includes the ability to set and save profiles on the controller. To top things off, there are function buttons you can press to swap between these profiles on the fly, even while in-game. The only issue with editing the profiles, or remapping the controls, is that all of this had to be done on PS5. Until now. The new PlayStation Accessories app supports the DualSense Edge properly and you can do all of this on the PC.

Granted, not all games are going to properly support the DualSense Edge. For example, Final Fantasy XIV on PC didn’t work with the DualSense Edge last time I tried it a couple of months back. For most games, though, as long as they recognize the DualSense Edge as they should, this new app will make using it on PC more convenient.

The PlayStation Accessories app doesn’t allow you to swap out profiles

The new app can help you customize just about everything on your DualSense Edge. That includes editing the profiles by changing their name and changing out the controls you mapped to the back paddles. What it doesn’t do, is let you create new profiles. Nor can you swap them out for other profiles you’ve created. Here’s how the profiles work. On PS5, you can create quite a few profiles for the controller for use at any time.

The controller only lets you swap between three on the fly, however. You set each of those three profiles to the circle, cross, and square buttons. The triangle button is always set to a default profile. If you want to swap between these, you simply hold down the function button below the joystick and then press the button associated with the profile you want.

On PS5, you can hold down the function button and press the options button to bring up the editing menu, where you can then create additional profiles for use. There’s also an option to swap out any of the live profiles for one you have saved. The profile you swap out gets put into what we’ll call a folder. It hasn’t been deleted and you don’t have to re-create it. You can always come back to it for later use by swapping it in again.

It’s this set of actions that the PlayStation Accessories app doesn’t account for. The workaround here is editing one of the live profiles. But then you have to go back and edit it again if you ever want the original profile controls for the game it was created for. This isn’t really ideal. The other thing you could do is power up your PS5 and then swap out a profile that way. Then reconnect the controller to the PC. Again though, this isn’t exactly convenient. Hopefully, this is something that Sony will change down the road.

Adjust stick sensitivity, trigger deadzones, and more

As mentioned earlier the new PlayStation Accessories app is pretty comprehensive. It lets you edit just about everything. This includes adjusting the trigger deadzones and the joystick sensitivity. This works on a per-profile basis. So you need to pick a profile first, then click the edit button to bring up those editing options. Once done, you click save and you’re good to go. One added caveat with the profiles is that you can create them with this app if there’s an open slot in one of the profile buttons.

Additionally, you can use the app to update the controller’s firmware if ever necessary. And it will be from time to time. If you have a DualSense Edge and you sometimes use it with your PC, you can download the app from here.